Many coaches have seasonal businesses; and many sports team organizers are volunteers. This makes paying for a decent solution more challenging (often limiting choice to the likes of Google Forms). Google forms however don't provide payments with their forms software leaving many to use their form but collect payment manually. You can read more about the importance of online payments for sports registration here.
Perhaps you are using a paper based solution already; and are looking to understand the benefits of digitizing. We believe that digitization strongly supports team administrators to focus on sport rather than administrative work. Taking this a step futhur, we also believe that it is important to pick a solution that supports you in the way you work. Many solutions on the market (in addition to being very expensive) tend to be jack of all trades; offering huge amounts out of box. This in our view tends to promote lock-in to that vendors way of doing things. We have the opposite approach and believe that you should be able to integrate to other software or solutions (now or in the future).
Finally, we believe in supporting sports teams with the best SEO possible for their registration forms. This often means the ability to add images, video and free form text in their registration forms to create engaging and search engine discoverable content.